Walter Mills

This site explores the life of Walter P.C. Mills, a Union soldier who fought in the Civil War between 1861-1865.  He was born in 1841 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He enlisted September 12, 1861, and fought for the 95th Pennsylvania Regiment.  He was wounded at Gaines Mill, Virginia, and was treated at Fort Monroe Hospital and Annapolis Hospital.  He was later given an honorable on July 17, 1865.  Once he returned home, he married Anna Callahan on August 13, 1865, and they had five children.  He died on April 8, 1909, but he left his mark in the form of a signature in Blenheim House, which is now recognized as a famous Civil War Historic Site for the graffiti on the walls left by Union soldiers.  He is also recognized in the list of soldiers who fought for the state of Pennsylvania on the Pennsylvania monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield.


Group 5, NEH Graffiti Houses workshop 7-2016